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Mission Statement

The Jr. Sharks mission is to develop our players on and off the ice. Our membership benefits from knowledgeable coaches that train our players according to USA Hockey’s American Development Model and Long Term Athlete Development Principles. Each team’s program is tailored to the windows of trainability for their specific age and maturity. The Jr. Sharks experience includes off-ice skill, strength and conditioning, along with practice ice and classroom discussion.


Travel players are expected to attend all scheduled team events and activities.

Travel Hockey


  • Travel tryouts take place annually in 3rd weekend of June
  • Season runs August through April


  • Two times a week (two weeknights) on a set day and time
  • Weekends as available around game schedule

Off-Ice Training

  • Team perform off-ice training at coaches discretion


  • Teams have meetings at coaches discretion

League Games

  • NORCAL League Games and Tournaments
  • Exhibition games at coaches discretion


  • 2 out of area trips

Expected School Days Missed

  • 1 school day missed per event